美少女と、濃密貸切温泉 河合あすな PRESTIGE DIGITAL BOOK SERIES 72photos

プレステージ専属女優『河合 あすな』と自由気ままな温泉旅へ出発!麗らかな晩夏の陽射を浴びながら、目指すは思いっきりくつろげる温泉宿!ドライブ中の赤裸々トークでふたりの距離を縮め、立ち寄ったのどかな寺院でお散歩デート!散策中に仕込んだとびっこと車中オナニーのおかげでカラダは我慢の限界!宿に着くとすぐさま抱き付き、火照ったカラダを喰らい合う!様々な体位で激しく腰を振り乱し、幾度もの絶頂を味わう!ふたりきりの露天風呂でイチャイチャしたり酔った勢いでイジメまくってみたり、思う存分快楽に浸る一泊二日の温泉旅をご堪能ください♪

Depart for a free-spirited hot spring trip with Prestige exclusive actress "Asuna Kawai"! A hot spring inn where you can relax as much as you want while bathing in the beautiful late summer sunlight! We shortened the distance between the two by talking naked while driving, and stopped by for a walk date at a peaceful temple! The body is the limit of patience thanks to the masturbation in the car that I prepared while walking! As soon as you arrive at the inn, you hug them and eat each other's burning bodies! Shake your hips violently in various positions and taste the climax many times! Enjoy a two-day, one-night hot spring trip where you can flirting in the open-air bath with just two people, bullying with drunken momentum, and soaking in pleasure to your heart's content ♪

与Prestige独家女星“ Asuna Kawai”一起自由奔放的温泉之旅! 一个温泉旅馆,您可以在美丽的夏末阳光下沐浴时尽情放松! 我们开车时裸着讲话缩短了两者之间的距离,然后在一个和平的寺庙停下来走走! 多亏了我在走路时准备的手淫,身体才是忍耐的极限! 一到达旅馆,您就拥抱他们,并吃掉彼此燃烧的尸体! 在各种姿势下剧烈摇动臀部,并多次品尝高潮! 享受一夜两天的温泉之旅,您可以和两个人在露天浴池里调情,以醉酒的势头欺负人,并尽情享受自己的内心满足感♪

新・湯女ごこち 2 河合あすな

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