Kaho Shibuya, who works for a local newspaper, was in trouble because there was no new article in the countryside. At that time, she hears that there is a local person who can use the supernatural power called "Shota-kun". Immediately, she applies for coverage of Kaho, but she finds out that her supernatural powers will not be activated unless she is excited about H.
为当地一家报纸工作的涩谷香帆(Kaho Shibuya)遇到了麻烦,因为在农村没有新的文章。 那时,我听说有一个当地人可以使用被称为“ Shota-kun”的超自然力量。 Kaho立即申请承保,但他知道除非他对H事物感到兴奋,否则不会激活超自然的力量。