徳江かな「想いよ届け」 215photos


It feels so meaty that you can get a little step when you sit down. As a whole, it is divided into "light" and "dark". In "light", you can enjoy the lively physical beauty, and in "dark", you can enjoy the sexy and vivid atmosphere. Personally, I'm glad that the expression when I showed my armpits in purple underwear was sexy. In a simple swimsuit on the beach, the skin and flesh are dazzling. For those who like this kind of body shape, it will be excellent. The new DVD was a little slender, so I'd like you to maintain this shape if possible.

感觉很肉,坐下时可以迈出一步。 整体上分为“亮”和“暗”,在“亮”中可以享受活泼的美感,在“暗”中可以享受性感生动的氛围。 就个人而言,我很高兴看到紫色内衣的腋窝很性感​​。 在海滩上的一件简单泳装中,皮肤和肉体就令人眼花。乱。 对于那些喜欢这种体形的人来说,那将是非常棒的。 新的DVD有点苗条,所以我希望您能保持这种形状。

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