Natsuko, who divorced her husband 10 years ago, raised Tatsuaki with just one woman. She worked desperately with her dedication that she didn't want Tatsuaki to feel pity, and Tatsuaki was old enough to graduate from college. When I was relieved to raise my child with this, I felt the emptiness of her companion as if there was a hole in her heart. When she felt lonely, Tatsuaki invited her to a hot spring. Sometimes she went to the hot springs with Tatsuaki to relax in the hot springs.
10 年前与丈夫离婚的夏子,仅用一个女人抚养达明。 为了不让辰明感到可怜,他拼命工作,而当他注意到时,辰明已经大学毕业了。 当我松了一口气抚养孩子时,我感到内心有一个洞的空虚。 当我感到孤独时,达明邀请我去泡温泉。 偶尔,夏子和达明一起去泡温泉,在温泉里放松一下。