友達の爆乳お姉さんがいやらしく僕の事を誘惑してきて… 嬉しいです!!友達の家に遊びに来ていた貴方。友達はお菓子を買ってくると近所まで外出中。すると隣の部屋からお姉さんの呼び声が…。「今、弟いないよね!ちょっと私の部屋へ来て気持ちいいことしない?」と。お姉さんは服の上からでもわかるほどの超絶爆乳!そんなハレンチボディのお姉さんに誘われたら…むちむちボディと98cmの爆乳で男を挑発!セクシーアイドル・佐山愛の激ヤバ画像を解禁だ!!
My friend's big-breasted sister tempted me unpleasantly ... I'm glad! !! You who came to visit your friend's house. When my friend buys sweets, he goes out to the neighborhood. Then, the call of the older sister from the next room ... "You don't have a younger brother right now! Why don't you come to my room and feel good?" The older sister has huge breasts that you can see even from her clothes! If you are invited by such a shameless sister ... Provoke a man with a whip whip body and 98 cm big breasts! The ban on the super dangerous image of sexy idol Ai Sayama has been lifted!
我朋友的大姐姐不愉快地诱惑了我……我很高兴! !! 你是来拜访朋友家的。 当我的朋友买糖果时,他就去附近。 然后,隔壁房间的姐姐的电话... “你现在没有弟弟!为什么你不来我的房间感觉良好?” 您甚至可以从衣服顶部看到的超然乳房! 如果您是由一个如此无耻的身体的姐姐邀请的,那么……挑起一个鞭子身高98厘米的大乳房的男人! 性感偶像Sayama Ai的超危险形象禁令已经解除!