初夏の訪れを感じる休日の平穏な午後、近所でも評判の仲睦まじい父と娘。父はいつものように娘の学校にお迎えに行き、道中コンビニに立ち寄った。車に戻った時、タバコを買い忘れた事に気付いた父は、娘を車に残し、コンビニへと戻る。しばらくして車に戻った瞬間、父の見た信じられない光景、それは、2人組の男に拉致られた娘の姿であった。父は2人組の言う通りに車を運転し、後部座席からは娘の喘ぎ声が聞こえて来る…平和な日常が一転して地獄と化す!親子の運命や如何に?! 第二弾
On a peaceful afternoon on a holiday that feels the arrival of early summer, a friendly father and daughter who are well-received in the neighborhood. As usual, my father picked me up at my daughter's school and stopped at a convenience store along the way. When he returned to the car, he realized that he had forgotten to buy a cigarette, and his father left her daughter in the car and returned to the convenience store. The moment I returned to the car after a while, the incredible sight my father saw was the appearance of a daughter abducted by a duo of men. My dad drives the car as the duo say, and he hears his daughter's pant voice from the back seats ... The peaceful everyday life turns into hell! What is the fate of parents and children? !! Second shot
在一个暑假即将到来的假期中一个宁静的下午,一个友好的父亲和女儿在附近受到好评。 像往常一样,父亲在女儿学校接我,并在途中停在一家便利店。 当他回到车上时,他意识到自己忘了买烟,于是把女儿留在车上,回到便利店。 一会儿我回到车上的那一刻,父亲看到的令人难以置信的景象是一个被一对男子绑架的女儿的外表。 我父亲按二重奏的说开车,他从后座听到女儿的喘气声……和平的生活变成了地狱! 父母和孩子的命运如何? !! 第二枪