関西有名私大卒・商社勤務の24歳の美女『松岡 すず』がプレステージ専属女優としてプレステージに舞い降りた!自ら築き上げたキャリアを捨て、AV界で有名になる事への憧れを抱いた美女がカメラの前で素肌をさらけ出す!未知なる世界への期待を膨らませながら、初めての撮影へ挑む。優しいキスを交わしながら全身を愛撫されると、彼女の手は自然と男優の股間へ…。反り立つ肉棒をいやらしい音を立てながらねっとりと奉仕した後は、愛くるしい表情で見つめながら挿入を懇願。硬くなった肉棒で膣奥深くを突かれると、小刻みに全身を震わせ絶頂!更に激しいピストンを浴びせられると、頬を赤らめ喜悦の声を上げながら昇天!才色兼備の優艶美女がプレステージで驚異的なエロポテンシャルを開花させる!!
A 24-year-old beauty "Matsuoka Suzu" who graduated from a famous private university in Kansai and works for a trading company has come down to Prestige as an exclusive actress for Prestige! A beautiful woman who abandons her self-established career and has a longing to become famous in her AV world exposes her bare skin in front of the camera! While expanding her expectations for her unknown world, she challenges her first shoot. When her whole body is caressed while exchanging her gentle kiss, her hand naturally goes to the crotch of the actor. After serving her warped cock with a nasty noise, she begs for her insertion while staring at her lovely expression. When she is pierced deep in her vagina with her hardened meat stick, she shakes her whole body in small steps and cums! When she was exposed to an even more intense piston, she blushed her cheeks and ascended with her joyful voice! A talented and graceful beauty blooms amazing erotic potential at Prestige!
毕业于关西一所著名私立大学并为一家贸易公司工作的24岁美女“松冈铃”(Matsuoka Suzu)成为Prestige的独家女演员! 一个渴望在视音频界出名的美丽女人,放弃了自己的职业,将裸露的皮肤暴露在镜头前! 在提高对未知世界的期望的同时,我将挑战第一枪。 在交换温柔的吻的同时抚摸整个身体时,她的手自然会伸到演员的the部。 将弯曲的肉棒以讨厌的声音服务后,乞求插入,同时用可爱的表情凝视着它。 当它用坚硬的肉棒刺入阴道深处时,整个身体会一点一点地晃动并且变得笨拙! 当我暴露在更强烈的活塞中时,我脸红了脸颊,升起了,同时发出了喜悦的声音! 才华横溢的优美美女在Prestige绽放出惊人的色情潜力!