まだヤリたい…でも時間がない…超絶ヤバい状況が裏垢妻の欲情を掻き立てる時限NTR輪姦パーティー 佐知子 128photos

不貞な女を掻き立てる…焦燥感と背徳感。SNS裏垢で知り合った人妻・佐知子の自宅に、旦那の出張中に合わせて押しかけ輪姦パーティを行おうとしていると、「仕事が早く片付いて、泊まらなくてすんだから22時には帰るよ」と夫から急遽連絡が…。今日を楽しみにしていた彼女が、がっかりしながらも申し訳無さげに男に謝っていると…「えっ良いじゃん。旦那帰って来るの22時でしょ? 今日みんなにも声掛けて、集まってもらってるし、あと3時間あるなら佐知子がヤッてみたかったこと、全部できるって」と、男から斜め上の提案が…。動揺して拒みつつも、内心この状況に少し高揚している佐知子。それを察した男が半ば強引に、場を進めていく…。偶然にも生まれた制限時間付きの輪姦パーティの行方は? 旦那が帰ってくる迄の間に自宅のありとあらゆる場所で、佐知子の背徳感を煽り変態願望を満たす。

Stir up an unfaithful woman ... a feeling of impatience and immorality. When I was trying to hold a gangbang party at the home of a married woman, Sachiko, who I met on SNS back dirt, while my husband was on a business trip, my husband said, "I'm going home at 22:00 because my work is done quickly and I don't have to stay." I got in touch with you in a hurry ... She was looking forward to today, but she was disappointed but apologized to the man ... "Oh, that's okay. It's 22:00 when my husband is coming back, right? And if there are 3 hours left, Sachiko can do everything she wanted to do, "said the man diagonally above. Sachiko is a little uplifted by her inner feelings while refusing her upset. The man who saw it forcibly advances the place ... Where is the gangbang party with a time limit that was born by chance? By the time her husband returns, she will inspire Sachiko's sense of immorality and satisfy her metamorphosis desires everywhere in her home.


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