This shooting was done in her hometowns of Fukuoka and Okinawa between the recordings of movies and dramas. Her photographer has been shooting her since her Weekly Playboy debut, and Tomoki Kuwajima, who has worked on many of her hit photobooks. Rich expressiveness that triggered her breakthrough as an actress, well-organized facial expressions sought after by women's magazines, healthy physical beauty that shines in gravure, and unadorned facial expressions ... The charm of 21-year-old Mio Imada during a super break This is a photo book with everything.
拍摄是在她的家乡福冈和冲绳之间进行的,在电影和戏剧的录音之间进行。 自从她在《周刊花花公子》上首次亮相以来,摄影师就一直在为她拍摄照片。桑岛智树(Tomoki Kuwajima)从事许多热门照片书的创作。 丰富的表现力激发了她作为女演员的突破,获得了女性杂志追捧的井井有条的面部表情,在凹版印刷中闪耀的健康自然美以及朴实的面部表情……21岁的Mio Imada在超级假期中的魅力这是一本包含所有内容的相簿。