A beautiful woman who has a good reputation in the neighborhood, but she works at night once a month. The content is also a plain couple. One day, while cleaning her, she finds SM-like pictures and nasty tools in the back of her husband's drawer. She is a surprised wife. When I asked her husband, she had always wanted to try her restraint play. The wife she accepts drowns in pleasures she has never experienced ...
一个在附近享有盛誉的美女,但她每个月都会在晚上工作一次。 内容也是平淡无奇的一对。 一天,在打扫卫生时,我从我丈夫的抽屉后面发现了一张类似 SM 的照片和一个讨厌的工具。 一个惊讶的妻子。 当我问我丈夫时,他说他想尝试克制游戏很长时间。 被接受的妻子沉浸在她从未体验过的快乐中。