"Job of dispatching a housekeeper". Mr. Sawamura is a housekeeper who has a very good reputation in other places. She should be that, she was the ideal housekeeper for a man who would not only clean the room, but also act as a wife ... in other words, a man who would accept any request, including sexual service. She was a single-parent family request today, and she was Mr. Sawamura who had a cool look as usual and was enthusiastic about the "sense of mission of service."
“派遣管家的工作”。 泽村先生是一位在其他地方享有很高声誉的管家。 应该是这样,更不用说打扫房间,充当妻子……也就是说,对于接受包括性服务在内的任何要求的男人来说,它是理想的管家。 泽村先生今天被一个单亲家庭问到,他一如往常的样子很酷,对“服务使命感”充满热情。