澤村レイコ『お女将さん 凄テクと潮吹きでおもてなし』(デジタル写真集) 207photos


Reiko Sawamura is the landlady of the inn. She manages her inn, which she inherited from her husband. One day, an illegal building that her predecessor forcibly expanded was revealed to the Tourism Bureau. If nothing is done, the business will be suspended. Reiko thinks she has to protect the inn somehow! "That's right! You just have to persuade her with her body!" Reiko's terrific tech explodes to the tourist bureau staff!

泽村玲子是旅馆的女房东。 我从我丈夫那里收到的旅馆正在管理中。 一天,一栋被前任强行扩建的违章建筑被旅游局发现。 如果什么都不做,业务将被暂停。 玲子认为她必须以某种方式保护旅馆! “没错!你只需要用你的身体去说服它!” 玲子惊人的技术在旅游局工作人员面前爆炸了!

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