Photobook "MODE" series that extracts the best season of models! Build a photo book centered on unpublished photos from all media release jacket photos, location photos, etc.! The red border costume and twin tails are national treasure-class treasure shots! !! As fans know, there are rumors of ninja descendants that are unexpected from the warm atmosphere. Enjoy the flavorful Yuumi world.
提取模特最佳季节的写真集“MODE”系列! 以所有媒体发布的封套照片、外景照片等未公开的照片为中心制作相册! 红边装和双尾是国宝级宝拍! !! 正如粉丝所知,在热烈的气氛中,有出乎意料的忍者后裔传闻。 享受美味的悠米世界。
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