緊縛・白日夢 友田真希 46photos

Dogmaがお送りする緊縛陵辱写真集 第一弾。

Black hair, white skin, rich breasts, and fragrant sex appeal. She is a woman born with various graces from God. The woman came in kimono. She knows my tastes ... not just. She knows what suits her best. She eats the soft skin of a woman with a rope, and the wax dyes her white skin red. Is this a dream I had, or is it a dream a woman has ...
The first bondage insult photo book sent by Dogma.
Immerse yourself in the dream world invited by SM's child, Maki Tomoda.

黑头发,白皮肤,丰满的乳房,散发着芬芳的性感。 一个天生具有来自上帝的各种恩典的女人。 那个女人穿着和服进来了。 我熟悉我的口味......不仅仅是。 女人知道什么最适合她。 绳子吃女人柔软的皮肤,蜡把白皮肤染成红色。 这是我做的梦,还是女人做的梦……
沉浸在 SM 的孩子 Maki Tomoda 邀请的梦幻世界中。

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