This time, the super successful model Sasanami Aya will try to break new ground... and try something she hasn't done yet! The unexpected combination of girly make-up and swimsuit, which you don't usually do, was a hit! And as expected of Sasanami Aya, her girly make-up and bathing suit are both super cute and super nice! And of course, more power to your ass! Aya Sasanami Aya's smile and climax scenes are even more erotic and cute than usual! Stay tuned!
这一次,我们要挑战的是超级成功的模特儿笹上绫,她要开辟新的领域......做一些她还没有做过的事情! 出乎意料的少女妆和平时不会穿的泳衣的组合! 而正如佐佐木绫所期待的那样,她的少女妆和泳装超可爱! 当然,他的屁股里也有更多的力量! 佐佐木绫的笑脸和高潮场面比平时更加色情可爱! 我不同意!