10年前に夫を交通事故で亡くしたレイコは、愛していた夫のことを忘れるためになりふり構わず働いた。ある時友達の紹介で一回り以上年下の藤村という男性と出会う。誠実で優しい藤村にレイコは次第に惹かれていった。ある日レイコは温泉旅行に行こうと藤村に誘われ、うきうきして山梨へ向かうのだった。長年閉じ込めていたレイコの性が爆発して、何度も藤村を求めるレイコ ...。
Reiko, who lost her husband in a car accident 10 years ago, worked pretending to forget her beloved husband. At one point she was introduced by her friend and she met a man named Fujimura who was one or more years younger. Reiko was gradually attracted to her sincere and gentle Fujimura. One day Reiko was invited by Fujimura to go on a hot spring trip to her, and she was excited to head to Yamanashi. Reiko's sex, which she had locked up for many years, exploded, and she repeatedly asked for Fujimura.
10年前在车祸中失去丈夫的玲子假装忘记了她心爱的丈夫。 一天,一位朋友向我介绍了一个名叫藤村的男人,他比我小一岁或一岁多。 玲子渐渐被真诚善良的藤村所吸引。 一天,玲子受藤村之邀去泡温泉,兴致勃勃地前往山梨县。 被困多年的玲子性欲爆发,玲子多次寻找藤村。